Boxers tune up for tournament
February 13, 2020
Boxers from Round 13 Boxing in Palm Bay Florida are preparing for their upcoming fights. Currently, the athletes are trying to figure out who is fighting at the Golden Gloves Tournament on Saturday in Palm Beach.
Two of their boxers Chris R. and Allen H. have been preparing for their upcoming fight this weekend.
“The boys have been training a lot recently and keeping their weight down so they meet the requirements,” Annarose A. (8) said “They really want to win and have a chance to qualify for the Junior Olympics in April. That’s the one I’m going to since I’m not fighting with them this weekend.”
The boxers are hoping to be matched up and able to fight during the tournament.
“Even if we don’t end up getting fights, we are still going to cheer and watch the other fighters that do fight,” said 11-year-old Allen H., who placed first in a national championship match at the SugarBert National Championships in November.
By Lillian Altmann
Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middle-schoolers’ last names on district-sponsored websites.