Key Club reboots under new chem teacher

Daphna Krause

Senior Mary-Elizabeth Jobson, junior Georgia Reis and junior Margarita Cruz-Sanchez discuss upcoming events.

Key club members are starting a fresh year with a new adviser and many projects. Last year, Key Club combined with Beta Club because the 2012 sponsor, Mary Mason, retired.

“We are just getting started, but I think it will get better if they keep working as hard as they are,” said club sponsor Jessica McKeever, the school’s new chemistry teacher. McKeever helped out with a similar service club called Interact at her previous job.

The club is starting a holiday project.

“We are starting the UNICEF project in upcoming weeks before Halloween,” said president of Key Club, Daphna Krause. ” It is a great organization to donate to. We are passing out UNICEF collection boxes to fourth-period classes and asking them to donate to the organization. The fourth period that raises the most money will receive a dessert party. As soon as the boxes come in, we’ll hand them  out. They are shipping right now.”

The club does not have as many members as it wishes to have.

“The big difference between the Key Club down here [ and New Jersey ] is it is a lot smaller,” McKeever said.

Members of the club and the adviser are looking for more students to join, so if you are interested contact McKeever in Room 15-104.

By: Jessica Knowles