Star runner takes on lacrosse
October 9, 2019
Cross-country runner Alex Skaggs (10) has decided to take on the challenge of playing lacrosse while participating in both track and cross-country.
Skaggs was motivated to play lacrosse by encouragement from fellow players. He first decided to join the team toward the end of this past summer.
“All my friends are doing it, and they all say that the team needs more people,” Skaggs said. “My friends also think I would be good at it.”
Ryan Canavan (9) worked with Skaggs during the summer to get him up to speed.
“We went to the basketball court to practice his throwing, and we would shoot as fast as possible while trying to be accurate,” Canavan said.
Skaggs said his previous track experience will help him on the playing field.
“Track lets me train more for speed work which will help me in the [lacrosse] season,” Skaggs said. “I am doing cross-country right now, so I’ll have good endurance as well.”
Canavan has some advice for new lacrosse players.
“Always pay attention to [Coach Daniel Scheuerer], try your hardest to improve yourself, never be hesitant to ask for help, try not to be a Bozo and have fun.”
Skaggs thinks that the lacrosse season will not have an impact on his performance for cross-country.
“Lacrosse is at the end of the school year, but during the summer is when I’m supposed to train for cross-country,” Skaggs said.
Skaggs has some ideas on which position he will play during the season.
“Speed and endurance are very important for attacking in lacrosse,” Skaggs said. “So I think I’m either playing midfield or attack.”
Canavan agreed with Skaggs.
“I think he will struggle with the stick skills, but his friends will help him overcome that roadblock,” Canavan said. “He will keep up in midfield because he’s one of the best in West Shore track.”
By Aubrey Tegland