Girls’ soccer wins season opener

With the leadership of senior Jenna Forry and junior Kaitlin Inganna, scoring one goal each, the Lady Wildcats defeated the Edgewood Indians 4-0 on Wednesday at home.

“The older players definitely stepped up,” Inganna said. “Us juniors and seniors led the rest of the team by example and started the regular season off well with a solid victory. All of our hard work and practice, along with the leadership in the game, was seen through our performance as we easily defeated Edgewood.”

Seventh grader Avery K. and eighth grader Elena B. stepped up to the mantle during the season opener by also contributing one goal each.

“It was a pretty great feeling for players as young as we are to demonstrate our talent,” Elena said. “No one was really expecting middle school players, like Avery and I, to score or contribute significantly to the team’s victory, but we did.  The team’s impressive performance last night has made the team and I very excited for what is to come throughout the remainder of the season.”

Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middler-schoolers’ last names on district web sites.