NHS seniors scramble for required points

National Honor Society held a senior-only meeting on Tuesday April 2 in Missy Landmesser’s room to discuss the number of points seniors still need to be able to wear stoles at graduation and how the seniors can get those points by participating in current and future service projects.

“It was my idea,” Landmesser said. “I’m super-happy I did it. Well I got quiet and then my president [Janet Lu] did it.”

This meeting was held  because seniors needed to know how many points they had and what they needed to do to get their points.

“I only had 14 points,” senior Izzy Nemes said. “We need 20 points in total.”

NHS officers gave all seniors a list of things to participate in for points.

“I think it affected seniors in a positive way because for a lot of them it got real serious real fast,” Landmesser said.

The meeting got Nemes’ attention.

“I signed up for the pet-food drive,” she said. “And I bought $10 of dog food that night and brought it in the next day.”

Awareness that time is running out spread across NHS with reminds and text messages being sent out regarding current and future service projects.

“I think it went really well,” Landmesser said. “I mean there was a lot of people in the room so it might’ve seemed like it was chaotic, but it was an organized chaos.”

Later that day, all NHS members were notified of the up-and-coming projects, including the pet food drive going on now, the administration and staff luncheon this Tuesday, prom dress donations and the coffee cart in May for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Some seniors already had their points and others received two points just for attending the meeting and that gave them the required 20. 

“I still plan on doing other stuff,” Nemes said.  “I like that they give back to the community anyways. They don’t work on one part of the community which is neat and by doing NHS, it makes you a more well-rounded student in a college’s eyes by playing a part in a club.”

By Sierra Vehec