MS theater to wind up Sally Cotter series Nov. 16
October 29, 2019
The school’s middle-school theater group will be performing the third segment of the Sally Cotter series: “Sally Cotter and the Quest We Follow.” In this final installment, Sally has just bought a copy of the last book in her favorite series of novels. But if she finishes reading it, will the magic all be over? As she sleeps on it, Sally once again dreams she’s a student at Frogbull Academy of Sorcery. With the help of Professor Albatross Underdrawers and pals Dave and Harmonica, she must uncover the secret of the MacGuffix and face the evil Lord Murderdeath in a final showdown. The play will be performed Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
One of the lead actresses, Sofia P. (8), plays Jo, one of Sally’s friend, said she expects the performance to run smoothly.
“It was a lot of fun last time,” she said. “I really enjoyed it because at West Shore I guess everyone doing theater is kind of like a little family, and we’re all really close. So I think I will enjoy it as much as I did last year.”
The theater department launched the series in 2016 and the shows have steadily become favorites among the actors and actresses. Director Maureen Fallon, who has selected each play and musical that has been performed on campus, said she chose this comedic parody for more than the writing.
“I was looking through a catalog of middle-school plays and I saw that it was a parody of Harry Potter,” Fallon said. “It also had three parts to it, which meant that we were secure for three years. I think its good writing and it’s a parody. It’s very funny. It doesn’t make any sense and to me it plays well since Harry Potter makes no sense. I think it’s a great option.”
By Madison Mills
Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middle-schoolers’ last names on district-sponsored websites.