Track team set for second meet
February 22, 2018
The track team’s second meet of the season will be held Friday night, members of the team are on both sides of the spectrum when it comes to their confidence for their upcoming races and events. Freshman Sam Oliver is going into the meet self-assured and positive.
“I do both cross-country, track, and also run in the off season so when I go into the season I’m not usually worried,” Oliver said. “Running is just my kind of my thing, so nerves aren’t something I think I really worry about.”
In the approaching meet, sophomore Sydney Eisert said she feels far more confident than she did going into the first meet.
“I’m honestly looking forward to it just because I just feel really prepared,” Eisert said. “Our first meet felt a little crazy, but after just training and getting it all together, I feel like we’re all just going to do much better.”
But sophomore Jonelle Plahuta said she’s concerned the team will have a shortage of athletes due to the inconvenient timing and date.
“It’s a Friday night so a lot of people aren’t going because of like just feeling they have something better to do I feel like,” Plahuta said. “But also a lot of people have genuine reasons to go like practices and stuff, but I do think losing members will bring down our score most likely which is sort of upsetting.”
The team will be competing Friday at Merritt Island High School.
By Lily Schutt