Lacrosse clinic encourages eighth-graders
November 27, 2018
Two of West Shore’s youngest lacrosse players recently traveled to Winter Park to participate in a lacrosse clinic.
“We worked on the fundamentals of shooting, then we did some gameplay, like one-on-ones and two-on-twos,” eighth-grader Zach J. said.
Eighth-grader Hayden M. said he thinks the hour and a half drive to Winter Park was worth it.
“I thought the coaching was good,” he said. “The drills we did improved my game a lot, especially the shooting ones.”
Zach agreed.
“The coaches definitely knew what they were talking about,” Zach said. “A pro lacrosse player, Sergio Salcido, he went to Winter Park High School, and one of the coaches was from that school.”
Zach said he enjoyed the three hours he spent at the clinic.
“It’s always good to get a different perspective from different coaches,” he said. “Clinics are just really helpful because they cover a bunch of different aspects of the game.”
By Abi Johnson
Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middle-schoolers’ last names on district-sponsored websites.