The theater department speeds up production with their performance of “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” with two weeks to rehearse before their performance.
“Honestly, I feel like this production is kind of rushed compared to other ones,” junior and performer Scarlett Edammudalige said.
With the recent severe weather and a PTA meeting scheduled during tech week, the theater troupe was forced to cancel two rehearsals, further setting back their preparations.
“When we came back [from winter break], we had two weeks of rehearsals scheduled, besides tech week” theater teacher and director Caroline Miller said. “But we only had five rehearsals before [tech week].”
Despite the cancellation of multiple rehearsals, the troupe still feels prepared to perform, according to senior and performer Lillian Goodman.
“This is the shortest amount of time we’ve ever had to prepare a show,” Goodman said. “But I always feel like we’re in good hands with [Miller].”
Since the show is not heavy in technical work, preparations have been easier than what was needed for the troupe’s previous performance, “The Little Mermaid,” according to freshman and tech crew member Aiden Bausum.
“A lot more props were needed for ‘The Little Mermaid,’” Bausum said. “For this play, there’s barely a running crew.”
“The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon” is set to be performed Jan. 26 and 27 in the auditorium.
“It’s a really fun play, I think it’s perfect for our troop,” Edammudalige said. “We’re really goofy and silly, so it’s going to be fun.”
By Cora Pearson