Latin exam cram looks different this year
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December 20, 2022
While studying for core class exams can be strenuous, Latin students are finding it more difficult to prepare for their exam after Latin teacher Jennifer Staton took maternity leave for the first portion of this year. After Staton returned, the classes presented the projects they had been working on and then immediately after started prepping for the exam.
“We haven’t had much time to review, and it’s been so long since we’ve done anything grammar- or vocabulary-related,” eighth-grade Latin 2 student Olivia H. said.
During Staton’s leave, students mostly reviewed what they had been taught the previous year and the concepts they learned in the early first semester. They also worked on their creative projects which were to be presented the first day Staton came back.
“Hopefully she will make it easier to adapt to the amount of learning time we missed,” Bryan D. another eighth-grade Latin 2 student said.
While the review covered the two chapters gone over this school year. Latin 2 students also have a whole other year of materials to go over.
“With the midterm quickly approaching, we have lots of material to study and memorize,” freshman Latin 2 student Caelan McIlwraith said.
Olivia and her peers have been using both the class-assigned review and other methods to aid memorization.
“I’ve been reviewing the vocabulary with online games like Kahoot and Blooket and going over the chapters with the class, asking questions as we go,” she said.
Following exams, Latin students have much to look forward to in the coming semester, including the return of “fun Fridays” and the long-awaited curse tablets.
“We’ve known about an assignment involving creating curse tablets for a while, but we weren’t able to do it while Mrs. Staton was gone,” McIlwraith said. “Hopefully after winter break we finally get to do this assignment.”
By Cassidy Corey