Girls’ soccer shuts out Osceloa in season-opener
The team huddles after a recent practice.
November 16, 2022
Senior Bree Ehmer scored three goals to lead the varsity girls’ soccer team past Osceola 14-0 in their home opener on Nov. 7.
Freshmen defensive centers Danielle Sorgenfrei and Grace Mannix played their first game on the varsity team.
“I was nervous doing it because we got pulled up at the end of the season last year and it was my first time playing with a good team,” Mannix said. “But once I touched the ball a couple times I definitely lost my nerves and started playing better.”
Sorgenfrei agrees.
“There’s a lot of expectation and pressure on you at the same time,” she said. “But the girls are welcoming, so I already feel like I’m a part of [the team].”
Both were called up at a time where not only to they have to adjust to playing on a higher level, but also when the varsity team is switching formations.
“It was a different formation than JV, so it was definitely hard to get used to it,” Mannix said. “You have to depend on your teammates a lot but they’re really helpful and talk to you to tell you how to improve.”
With pressure from players and Coach Jenny Pazderak, Sorgenfrei said she had to keep a positive attitude.
“Every time I mess up or feel like I’m not doing my best I have to think to myself that I’m only a freshman playing with seniors,” she said. “I try not to compare myself to them it doesn’t matter how one person plays but on how the whole team gets along and plays together.”
Senior Abigail Watson said no matter the age or skill level, no player is lower or higher than anyone else.
“They are a part of our team and want to help us reach our goals,” she said. “We try to connect with them and strengthen our bonds together because that translates onto the field.”
She said she tries to be friendly and trust them when they play together.
“I never doubt their capabilities but I do try to guide them if they make a mistake,” Watson said.
She said she was tries to treat them the same way she was treated when she was called up.
“When I made varsity, I remember the seniors were welcoming and would give us rides to games which was crazy because when you’re younger you look a senior and think they won’t talk to you,” she said. “In our little soccer family it’s completely different on and off the field. We’re all friends and treat everyone with respect no matter the age.
Representing a school and a team is a honor Watson, Sorgenfrei and Mannix all share and value.
“The mindset that you are representing this place that is way more vast than the 20 people on your team is something that I think about every game,” Watson said. “You want to set a good representation for the school and those who may look up to you by having good sportsmanship at all times. Even your attitude can show how you are as a player and can be something people remember you for.”
Mannix agrees.
“I’ve learned how to communicate with my soccer team and learn how people are so I know how to communicate with and approach them,” she said. “Just the the simple stuff I learned while playing club soccer has helped me alot already.”
This respect and dedication is something that Watson wants to prove.
“I want to be remembered as someone who would always have a good attitude,” she said. “It’s not necessarily all about the goals but to be known as a good teammate that had your back and that worked hard no matter what to help the team.”
Sorgenfrei wants to prove herself not only to the school but to her family. She has two brothers John and Chris who soccer for the school as well.
“They always give me tips after my games and encourage me,” she said. “I want to show them the passion I have for the game and keep positive when I play. I want everyone to see me play hard and keep a positive attitude on and off the field.”
By Christian Thein