LaTorre to lead as next SGA president
Junior Joanna LaTorre plans to connect SGA to state and national organizations.
April 22, 2016
After more than a week of posters, announcement advertisements and campaigns, the election for Student Government Association and class officer positions has drawn to a close. Voting took place during Power Hour on Wednesday and the results were announced at various times Thursday. SGA officers were announced just before first period.
The 2016-17 SGA will be led by Joanna La Torre, president; Melek Turkmen, vice president; Mary Billhartz, secretary; and Alexa Carlos treasurer in that order.
LaTorre is excited for the direction SGA will be moving and has big plans for the future of SGA.
“Ever since the beginning of the year I’ve been writing down ideas. I figured I could get them done if I was president, so I’m really excited,” LaTorre said. “One of the goals is actually to get us involved in the district, state and regional SGA conferences and leadership camps that are put on by the official SGA organization. I also want to integrate everyone’s ideas and have a good Homecoming, make school more enjoyable and provide support for all the clubs, organizations and sports.”
Current SGA president Hannah Montgomery said being an SGA leader is harder than many are aware.
“As president there are many responsibilities to uphold,” the senior said. “You have to be able to lead a group, work with your officers, plan events, manage your time, have business etiquette, have the ability to speak with adults and much more. It’s a job that works for the school community first and the club second.”
By Eve Beard