The fall of in-school volleyball
February 28, 2019
Only four students are enrolled in the school’s only volleyball class. The numbers have fallen due to other available electives.
“I’m unsure why this is happening, but we want people who love the sport and cannot play anywhere else to take this class,” physical education teacher Nicole Anagnostis said. “In 2004 or 2005, a bunch of kids got together — my son being one of them — and wrote in volleyball as one of their class choices. It wasn’t on the list, but they wanted it as a choice for a high school elective, so it happened, and it was great. Over the years it became more and more popular. It was a fun way for boys at our school to play some high-level volleyball with some varsity players in their class. But just recently — this last year — the numbers in the class have been really small.”
A number of students appear unaware the class’s availability. Eighth-grader Ian Nemes asked “Would you be learning anything?” and the answer to that question is “yes.” The class teaches students how to be better players and embrace sportsmanship and leadership while having fun during school.
“I would take volleyball if I was offered,” sophomore Madison Ainbinder said. “Outside of school I don’t have time to play on an actual team because of time-management with school and other sports, but I think the class would be really fun. Mrs. A is a great teacher.”
Anagnostics said she’s hoping for students to become aware that this class is available to all students and that if the number of students in the class stays as low as it is now, it will be taken away.
Sophomore Christian Lutz currently is enrolled in the fifth-period volleyball class.
“Volleyball class is fun and extremely individualized, allowing for personal improvement in players of all skill levels,” Lutz said. “Every day we build on all fundamental skills, so we can play cohesive games. It’s super-fun and is perfect if you want a break from academics during the day and still learn and improve your skills.”
By Jane Theofiledes