Cross-country kicks off with Jamboree
Senior Lexie Krehbiel runs in a cross country meet from 2012
The cross-country team, led by senior Lexie Krehbiel and freshman Austin Camps, will be running its first race this Saturday at the Wickham Park Jamboree.
Despite this being the first race, the Jamboree will determine who will be placed on the varsity and junior varsity teams.
With a limited number of varsity spots available, West Shore cross-country athletes will not only be competing against other schools, but also against one another. In reality, the competition between schools is an exhibition and the scores won’t affect the team’s standings.
“I’ve been practicing a lot and I’m feeling really good this year,” senior Marco Pascual said. “The team has been really motivated and that has definitely helped, and I’ve been eating my Wheaties.”
Greg Hayes has returned to coach the boys’ team, and physics teacher John Krehbiel has signed on to lead the girls’ team.
The boys’ team race begins at 7:30 a.m. with the girls’ team race starting at 8 a.m.