Berry casts new vision for swim program
May 14, 2019
Kyle Berry, former Daytona State College swimmer and Astronaut High School head coach, already has made significant changes to the West Shore swimming program since being named head coach in January.
Since that time, Berry has created a more flexible practice schedule.
“We’re going to start having morning practices,” he said. “My swimmers either have to show up to a morning or an afternoon practice, so it’ll give them more time for homework. But also, it’ll give my more competitive athletes more practice time.”
On top of all of this, Berry has entered the team in more meets.
“I’ve got the team in two more high school invitational meets,” Berry said. “We’ll be racing more teams on our level, so hopefully the swimmers get used to going fast.”
Junior Jake Repperger expresses his opinion on Berry’s plan for the season.
“I think Kyle has a good plan for us,” Repperger said. “I’m looking forward to practicing more and working hard. Also we’re in more meets, which gives me more time to race.”
Berry hopes to have some advancements in the championship series.
“I want a state team,” Berry said. “We have a lot of hard workers on our team, and I think they can honestly make it to that level.”
By Ben Castillo