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Online class mandate wrong-headed

A bill introduced by state Rep. Anitere Flores and recently passed by the Florida Legislature will require high-school students to take at least one online class before graduating. Though one class may seem like no big deal, I beg to differ. To begin, a law such as this is highly impractical for students without a computer or internet access. And in 2003, 45 percent of Americans did not have a computer at home. Not only that, but what about families that share a single computer? From experience, I can tell you that is practically impossible to figure out a workable system when multiple family members need the computer at the same time, for whatever reasons.
Continually, because of the individuality of online classes, if you get stuck on a question, you’re on your own. Not only that, but students who are not very dedicated to their school work can easily cheat or procrastinate without the intervention of educator.

Furthermore, there could be serious repercussions for requiring students to take on online class. The state may become responsible for supplying students who cannot afford a computer at home, thus canceling out any attempt to use his law as a measure to reduce spending. And what about A students who don’t complete an online class? Will they be held back just because they didn’t have the time or ability to spend a semester to two attached to a computer, in addition to all their other work?

In my opinion, the state lawmakers should be spending their time on more pressing issues, rather than tossing in unfair standards to students who have no control over the outcome of their own education. Online classes should remain an option, not a requirement, for students willing and able to pursue them.

By: Noël Schutz