Block schedule cuts stress, adds opportunity

Raven Morgan, Staff Writer

Spending 90 minutes of your seven-hour school day settled in a class you love would be a dream, but like most things it’s a double edged sword. Imagine spending an hour and a half working on that unbearable subject with a teacher whose good side you’ve just never seen.

The transition from seven to four classes a day hasn’t been as life changing as it originally sounded. At least, for someone who more or less likes all of her classes. Maybe it’s the typical easy start-up of the school year, but I think it’s liberating having three less classes at a time. 

A lot of kids feel pressured to take up as many extracurriculars as possible. After all, we’d do anything for those college applications. So although at the end of the year we end up enrolled in an extra class, a block schedule can actually free up a lot of time for sports, clubs, or even a part-time job. 

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as dropping three classes. Each class has doubled in time meaning double the amount of time we are expected to attentively listen to our teachers and remain focused. While this hasn’t been a problem for me yet, the thought of sitting in my math class next semester for an hour and a half doesn’t sound at all appealing. 

Depending on how teachers use their extended time, subtracting three classes has made the day feel more bearable. The difference between a 90-minute lecture, and something more engaging should be noted however. 

Every year, each class comes with its own schedule and own list of to do’s which continue to grow every day. Only having four to juggle at a time is a lighter responsibility than seven, making school less of a stressor in my life now than in years past. I also find that I’m able to spend more time on my school work and therefore do my best work when I’m not overwhelmed with distractions.