Vending machine vandalized

Vending machine vandalized

Custodial staff discovered one of the courtyard vending machines vandalized Monday morning.

“Whoever did it appears to have used a prying device to get into the machine,” Landmesser said. “We don’t know if any money was taken. We won’t know much more until the representative from the vendors arrive.”

More than $1000 in damage was done to the machine, but it is unknown if any money was taken.

Because the vandalism occurred during the weekend, charges for the act may include burglary, theft, a felony and misdemeanors.

No leads have been made on a suspect yet, but swabbing for DNA has been performed by Landmesser and security tapes will be reviewed.

It is unknown how the event will affect business between Pepsi, which owns the machine, and West Shore, but the school will continue to have at least two vending machines, as required, according to Landmesser.

By Nick Baker