Seniors choose best of the best
Max Girard and Emily Dubec-Hunter were voted as having the Best Personalities in the annual the senior superlatives which were announced by the Senior Class last week after a nomination and voting process held during home rooms.
“I was anticipating the results for Best Friends,” Timmy Nguyen said. “The outcome was what I wanted, the Thug Sqauad [sic] was nominated.”
The “Thug Sqauad” consists of approximately 20 seniors who have grown close during their time at school. The group adopted its name during the bus ride to the UCF field trip in September. “We were listening to music and having fun and were trying to get people to continue partying with us when we got home. Chris Melchiori made the group on Facebook but spelled ‘squad’ wrong, and it stuck.”
Nguyen said he was pleased with the results, and Shivani Laloo, who attends Eastern Florida State College full time as an early admissions student, concurred even though he didn’t vote.
“There are many of us that are fully enrolled at EFSC and didn’t get a chance vote,” Laloo said. “However, I think my classmates did an excellent job at voting for superlatives. I couldn’t help but laugh at how accurate this list was.”
Seniors voted for Jay Cruz and Megan Turingan as runners up in the best personality category. Other winners and runners-up are as follows:
Best Dressed: Evy Sotolongo, runner-up Naeem Motlagh
Best Dressed: Maddie Leary; runner-up Jacqueline Paylor
Most Likely to Succeed: Joe Along and Rachel Ho; runners-up Jonathan Wakim and Marissa Patel
Funniest: Ben Mechachonis and Faryn Antenucci; runners-up Connor Courtney and Allison Eaton
Biggest Flirt: Shane Potter and Sabrina Fabbri; runners-up, Schuyler Schrader and Mikayla Almeida
Most Memorable: Stryker Sinclair and Katy Morgan; runners-up Jay Cruz and Peyton Oller
Best Looking: Chris Mikulas and Allison Eaton; runners-up Joey Crown and Mikayla Almeida
Best Smile: Naeem Motlagh and Evy Guerra; runners-up Steven Tenbusch and Casey Schauman
Smartest: Caleb Bryant and Jacqueline Paylor; runners-up Jonathan Wakim and Rachel Ho
Cutest Couple: Jay Cruz and Anna Held; runner-up Jake Sadowski and Claire Rauchfuss
Most Athletic: Darshan Ghayal and Casey Schauman; runners-up Jack Nevins and Kaitlin Inganna
Worst Case of Senioritis: Ryan Marty and Erna Roth; runners-up Jake Dimond and Katy Morgan
Best Friends: Thug Sqauad, runners-up Deanna Ebling and Kevin Baylen
Most Changed: Jamieson Pierce and Sara Tennant; runners-up Jeremy Hoffower and Peyton Oller
Most Well-Rounded: Jonathan Wakim and Kaitlin Inganna; runners-up Darshan Ghayal and Kasi West
Kindest: Alex Autenrieb and Claire Goffinet; runners-up Noel de los Angeles and Mary-Elizabeth Jobson
By Sasha Laloo