School will adjust parking for absence of buses

Without buses providing transportation to school next year, the size of the student parking lot and the need for a larger car loop has created a challenge. School resource officer Chuck Landmesser, who often directs traffic in the morning, said he and the administration has been working on possible solutions.

“There’s going to be an overflow of cars next year,”  Landmesser said. “We’re trying to figure out ways to ease the problem.”

According to Landmesser, the track likely will be opened to accommodate parking for  juniors and sophomores. The student parking lot will remain usable mainly for seniors.

“Everyone who drives to school will need a parking pass,” he said. “We will organize these passes by color-coding them according to where the student will park, either the track or student lot.”

The area that now serves as the bus loop will be repurposed as a car loop for parents to drop off their kids.

Senior Tatiana Martin expressed sadness that corridor busing has been eliminated.

“I think it’s a shame that West Shore has been reduced to using the track as a parking lot,” she said. “Also, I feel like it makes others look at us as though we are an ‘elite’ school because we are essentially telling people that they can’t come to our school if they don’t have the money for busing.”