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New end-of-course math test could pose problems for ninth-graders

Normally students don’t look forward to taking FCAT in the spring, but having a new test to take at the end of the year proposes more concerns for some ninth-graders. In May, ninth-graders will be taking an Algebra I end-of-the-year exam, which will replace FCAT Math.

Freshman Jenna Forry says she doesn’t think the test is a good idea because she taking geometry this year, but will be tested by the state on algebra.

“We already took it [algebra], and passed, so we shouldn’t have to take another test on something, or even have to review for it,” she said.  “ Not only that, but we have exams then as well, which doesn’t help with stress at all,”

Having exams close to the end-of-course tests will pose problems for teachers as well. Not only will math teachers want to review with their students for the algebra test, but also for their own exams.

“Different teachers are going to prepare their students differently, depending on the course and level of the students. But something has to give , the current math course or the results on the test,” math teacher Steve Thomas said.

Teachers will review with students for one to two weeks in advance of the end-of-course test.

“ Eventually [the end of the year algebra test] will bring a standard way to measure the knowledge of students not only in different classrooms, but schools. Then we can compare apples to apples,” Thomas said.

By Jenna Winter