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Learn to dance — and help Haitian earthquake victims

Do you want to attend Prom, but are unsure of your dance skills? Senior Briah Denizard has a solution that not only will help with the latest dance steps but will also raise money for earthquake victims in Haiti.

Her dance-class fund-raiser, which is scheduled to be held at the Broadway Bound Dance Center on from noon to 2 p.m. on March 5, will enable participants to show their dance moves, as well as learn a new hip hop routine.

“The event is basically just a dance class. When you get there we will start off with a warm-up so your muscles are warm and stretched, then I will start teaching the routine. Once I finish teaching, we’ll probably perform it in groups so everyone can get a chance to show off their moves. I’ll have food and refreshments for anyone who needs to re-energize,” Denizard said about the event she is planning for her Senior Project.

“I think [what she is doing is] great. I know she has family in Haiti, so I think it’s wonderful that she is putting the power of dance to help Haiti in their efforts to get back on their feet. [The event is] for a great cause and Briah is like the older sister I never had, so I want to be able to support her and I get to dance,” sophomore Stephanie Shaw said.

Denizard hopes the funds raised by her one-time class will make an impact on individuals in Haiti who still need help as a result of the earthquake that occurred in 2010.

 “Even though it’s been a year since the earthquake, little progress has been made,” Denizard said. “A whole country has been damaged, and Haiti needs all the help it can get. I just don’t want what happened to be forgotten and lost in all the other drama that’s happening around the world. I would hate to see Haiti stuck like this and not be able to recover.”

She says she especially hopes to help family members who live in Haiti.

“My dad is from Haiti and I still have many relatives that live there,” she said. “My grandfather was actually there when the earthquake happened, so it really struck close to home. That’s why I wanted to do something to help out with the damage.”

 Interested students can help Denizard, not only with her Senior Project, but also in her efforts in making a change by attending the Dance for Haiti and donating. The class will be held at 1270 Lake Washington. Admission is free, but donations are accepted and will go to the American Red Cross for Haitian relief. Money that is raised from drinks and snacks will also go towards the organization.

“All you need is to bring is your dancing shoes,” Denizard said.

By Christina Baylen