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Homecoming dance moves to Melbourne Auditorium

In a venue change from last year, the 2011 Homecoming dance will be held at the Melbourne Auditorium located on Hibiscus Boulevard on Oct. 1 from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.

While some expressed satisfaction with last year’s dance at the King Center’s Black Box Theater, others were less than enthralled. In addition to space and cost issues, the air conditioning in the room rented for the event failed to function properly. The decision to move this year’s dance to a new location was made by the school’s administration.

“The Black Box Theater could not accommodate the large crowd we have for Homecoming,” Assistant Principal for facilities Jim Melia said. “We have used the Melbourne Auditorium in prior years and had no issues.”

The Student Government Association President Bianca Taraschi says her organization has adjusted to the change.

“Though we were upset [about the change] at first, we decided to use all of our money and invest in a killer DJ and decoration company who does out-of-this-world events and who is going to turn this place into something unrecognizable,” Taraschi said.

SGA has hired Sophisticated Gents to supply the DJ and main decorations. A theme has also been decided.

“A group in SGA last year came up with the theme of  ‘A Night at Sea,’ sort of a cruise ship based theme,” Taraschi said. “I wanted those who were picking the theme to have authority and to take charge in that aspect, but in all, it’s a fun theme to work off.”