Brevard County high school students watched a video in homeroom today as a part of Suicide Prevention Week.
“We’re trying to let students know if a friend is hurting and reaching out, it’s OK to tell an adult,” Assistant Principal of Facilities Jim Melia said. “It’s better to have a friend who’s mad at you, than not have a friend at all because they killed themselves. I wouldn’t know how to handle that at this age, and I definitely wouldn’t when I was 16. It’s important to do something.”
The video was put together by The Jason Foundation, an organization started by the family of a teenage boy who committed suicide. Suicide Prevention Week was last week, but because of district changes due to a teacher in service day, the video will be viewed today. Middle school students will not be watching the video due to content Melia decided was inappropriate.
“[Students Against Destructive Decisions] Club will be putting on announcements, giving stats and making posters, as well as hanging posters made by The Jason Foundation,” SADD Club sponsor Susan Woyshner said. “This is the first chance in five years as a club to have an impact as far as awareness. My favorite quote referring to suicide is that it’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”