Course selection forms due during next few weeks
February 20, 2023
Students will make their most important decision of the year during the next few weeks.
Course selection forms for the 2023-2024 school year are due on specific dates for each current grade level during February and March.
Guidance Counselor Carolyn Horst said the guidance office has resources available to assist students in making these important selections.
“We have QR codes posted on the bulletin board outside of the guidance office that will directly pull up our email addresses on your phone,” Horst said. “Students can also stop by the guidance office during Power Hour if they want to speak to their counselor in person.”
Horst said it is important to fill out the forms correctly and that incomplete forms will be flagged and moved to the bottom of the pile for processing. Turning in a late form could result in students losing priority for their course selections.
“It’s a good idea to double check your form before you submit it to your English teacher,” Horst said.
Freshman Violet Castillo said she understands the importance of making proper course selections and turning in her course selection form on time.
“I’ve already considered the electives I want to take so that I can be prepared to turn in my course selection form before it is due,” Castillo said. “It is important to me to get the classes I want to take.”
Horst agreed that it is important for students to be well-prepared to make timely and proper course selections that will allow them to be academically successful.
“Conversations with your parents and teachers about the overall balance in your schedule as it relates to what and how many AP, honors, and regular courses you are taking should definitely occur,” Horst said. “This will help make sure you are accurately academically placed and not overwhelmed by taking on too much.”
Students must turn in selection forms to their English teachers by the following dates: seventh grade is Feb. 13, eighth grade is Feb. 27, ninth grade is March 6, 10th grade is Feb. 28, and 11th grade is March 8.
By Lily Repperger