Assistant principal named
Bayside’s Farrell joins West Shore administration
Newly named Assistant Principal Robert Farrell introduced himself to the faculty Friday morning before school.
The school board officially appointed Robert Farrell as West Shore’s new assistant principal for facilities. Farrell currently serves as assistant principal at Bayside High School.
“I have been at Bayside High School for 15 years ever since the school opened,” Farrell said Wednesday in a telephone interview. “I am an original Bear and have been an administrator for 10 years at this school.”
Farrell said West Shore’s reputation led him to apply for his new position.
“I wanted to have the opportunity to work with the best students in Brevard County,” Farrell said. “I’m also really excited for various reasons, such as the change for me, the opportunities to grow professionally and to be a part of Wildcat Nation.”
The new assistant principal knows West Shore students are curious about who he is.
“I want students to know I am here for them and would like to help them succeed so I will do whatever I can to help all of you,” he said.
Farrell’s name rose to the top of a list of more than 40 original applicants for the job. That list was winnowed to 10 who were interviewed by a committee at the school. From that group two names were sent to the district where officials made a final decision.
Farrell will follow Jim Melia, who died suddenly of a heart attack on Aug. 2.
“I am glad that we have a new assistant principal yet it is also sad that Mr. Melia is not here,” Assistant Principal Jackie Ingratta said. “It was really helpful having [former guidance counselor Chuck] Keener to assist us [as acting assistant principal], but he was not allowed to do everything an administrator can do, so all the work was done between myself and Mr. Fleming. Mr. Keener was extremely helpful at lunch and the sporting events.”
Robert Farrell, who will officially start work at West Shore on Sept. 25, will be introduced to the faculty during a specially called meeting Friday morning at 8.