Back from block
Seven-period return brings mixed feelings
Rebecca Matoska begins an anatomy lesson at the start of second block.
After a confusing and chaotic school year, it would seem as though a return to normalcy would be welcomed with open arms. But staff and students hold mixed feelings about the return of a seven-period day, next school year.
English Teacher Kim Bracken said she is sad to see some aspects of the block scheduling disappear with the return of the seven periods.
“I enjoyed the longer teaching blocks,” Bracken said. “I was able to spend more time with students and I had more time to help them.”
Bracken said she is still looking forward to the seven periods and seeing some challenges under the block scheduling ease up.
“I am looking forward to having an impact on more students,” she said. “Online teaching has presented teachers with many new challenges. It has been very difficult teaching in-class learners and online learners simultaneously.”
Junior Jesse Bratman said he doesn’t see the benefits of block scheduling and is open to the return of the seven periods.
“For me, the seven-period day is a lot more beneficial,” Bratman said. “I don’t like block scheduling because the classes are way too long and it’s hard for me to focus for a whole one and a half hours in the same class.”
Junior Tenley Paul said she holds mixed feelings about the return to seven periods. She said she is easily able to handle her classes under the block scheduling, but misses the additional time spent with friends and the testing schedule under the seven-period day.
“I like having power hour, and shorter classes, but it’s nice only having four classes to focus on,” Paul said. “I’m looking forward to having the same lunch as my friends again and being able to get stuff done over lunch. But I’m not looking forward to worrying about seven classes again. I think the block schedule is beneficial for students because it gives kids a break, but I don’t think it’s more beneficial because the timeline for testing and stuff is kind of warped.”
Principal Rick Fleming said he is wary about the safety aspect of the seven periods but is happy for his students to return to a sense of normalcy.
“Although we are all a little nervous about a return to sevens periods and possibly more crowded hallways and café, I believe if we can maintain our safety protocols we will be as safe as we can possibly be,” Fleming said. “[But] I am happy to return to some kind of normal and get back to Power Hour which benefitted so many students.”

This is my first year on staff and I am super excited to be a part of it.
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