The Thespian Club will perform its musical theater show “Anything Goes” later this year, and students have been busy preparing for the show. Senior Siera Crum has been part of the theater program since her seventh grade year.
“I started doing theater at local theaters when I was in the third grade,” Crum said. “My mom pushed me into doing it. Maurine Fallon was the director of some of the shows I was in and also happened to work here as the theater director. Once I got into the school, I decided to join the theater department because I knew the teacher. Even after she left I continued to do theater because I enjoyed it.”
Crum said she auditioned for a role she thought would be best for her.
“This will be my last show,” Crum said. “Seniors normally get a bigger role because it’s their last year, so I was very hopeful.”
Junior Robert Santiago said he was satisfied with the casting.
“I auditioned for [the character of] Moonface Martin because people told me it would fit my personality since I’m funny,” Santiago said. “I ended up not getting it and got a smaller role instead. I’m less stressed about the play because I got the Captain role.”
Crum said she is eager to start practicing for her role.
“I auditioned for Hope Harcourt and Erma because Hope was one of the lead female roles and Erma was a hilarious character,” Crum said. “In a way, she’s comedic relief. I got Evangeline Harcourt, Hope Harcourt’s mom. I get to carry around a real dog. It’s going to be great. I get to be a dramatic mother who at the end of the show dances dramatically.”
Santiago said he is hopeful the musical will be a successful final production of the year.
“I think the play will go great,” Santiago said. “We have a good musical director, theater department and many actors who fit their roles. I think it has been good so far and will continue to look that way.”
By Emma Lewandowski