A loss for team, but a gain for Whitworths

Ami McCormick

The lacrosse team welcomes Coach Whitworth

by Allie Henderson

The Wildcats may have lost to the  Rockledge Raiders  14-5 Thursday night, but former gym coach Jason Whitworth and his family won the bigger prize overall. During this game was the fund-raiser for ALS and the Whitworth family. Although it wasn’t a successful night for the team, more than $1,000 was raised for the Whitworth family.

” We wanted to take care of our own,” Lacrosse President Tami Saladino said. ” Rockledge was very generous and they donated all the socks, the banner, the wristbands and all of the ALS supplies . They also donated $300 to the family.”

During this event, not only were all of the West Shore teachers and fans very generous with their donations, but the Rockledge fans were very involved too.

“It’s so inspirational because he is going through such a hard time,” Malik Richardson said.” Anything the lacrosse team can do will help and be much appreciated by the Whitworth Family.”

By Allie Henderson