The Wind Ensemble employed a new technique for presenting one of its songs, “Godzilla Eats Las Vegas!” during its spring concert on April 20.
Using a slide show, and having the ensemble scream, shoot confetti and present other sound effects during the song, the ensemble introduced a new way to play a concert.
“We had a lot of fun putting together the slide show,” junior Randy Adams said. “We’ve got a boatload of computer wizards in the ensemble, and they helped put together an awesome show.”
In addition to performing the “Godzilla” piece, five members of the ensemble formed a quintet and played a college-level piece of German music that left the audience clapping for a solid minute.
“We had some of the best guys in the whole school playing in the quintet,” Adams said. “My bassoon piece was challenging, but paled in comparison to what the other instruments had to play.”
At the end of the concert, as Director Carol Allen was introducing all the seniors and their plans for college, a group of seniors presented her with a card signed by all of them and a bouquet of flowers, as a farewell from the.
By Sam Edwards