Of Mice and Men brings new twist to old sound.

Of Mice and Men is a metalcore band born and raised in California, whose name is derived from that of John Steinbeck’s novel. “The book Of Mice and Men says ‘the well laid plans of mice and men often falter.’ You make plans, and they get screwed up. [Jaxin Hall] and I both had plans for life, and they both got screwed up, so now we’re making the most of what we can,” lead singer Austin Carlile said.
Of Mice and Men have been together for almost six years and have been very successful in the alternative rock field. Their most successful album is the self-titled “Of Mice and Men.” This is their third studio album.
“Identity Disorder” is the ninth song on the album, and it is my favorite. This song homes in on the traditional roots of Of Mice and Men, rather than the newer metalcore twist the band has promoted as its image. Carlile’s voice is beautiful, flowing endlessly with the tempo of the song. The guitar and drums are lighter, demonstrating its alternative atmosphere and promoting a lasting impression on the listener.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this album. I have been a follower of Of Mice and Men for a some time, and this album, is a completely unique breakthrough, its amazingly fresh and shows a new twist on the “traditional” sounds of Of Mice and Men. Each song has its own creative personality, and somehow they all flow together to create a prefect LP. My only advice to this refreshing band? Avoid screaming incoherently. Fans enjoy Carlile’s golden voice; not being able to hear the lyrics ruins the whole song.