Auditions loom for band members
April 24, 2018
With the start of the next school year still four months away, sophomore clarinet player Duncan Schwarze already is starting to prepare for Jazz Band auditions which include playing the 12 major scales.
“I’m looking forward to Jazz Band because I will be able to play the saxophone,” he said. This year I had to fill the missing spots in the clarinet section. Jazz Band seems interesting too because compared to the other bands they are playing the more difficult and unique pieces.”
In addition to playing the 12 major scales, those who audition also must play a jazz piece title “Us” by Jim Snidero.
Sophomore Leighton Johnson, a sophomore saxophone player in the Symphonic Band, looks forward to auditioning for another band.
“I’m aiming to reach for Wind Ensemble, but if I don’t have the time to prepare to get ready for the audition I’ll just go for Symphonic Band again,” he said. “I’d enjoy being in Wind Ensemble because I have multiple other friends in there and they play fun pieces, but I’m not sure if I have the time for the extra responsibility.”
Alongside preparing for auditions, band members are in the process of finalizing their performances for the Spring Concert which has been scheduled for May 1.
By Trystan Hornby