Student charged with threatening DeLaura campus
April 25, 2022
A 14-year-old middle school student in Brevard County has been charged with inciting a school shooting. The student was detained Monday afternoon, per the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, after officials heard of a threat conveyed over TikTok. The student attended DeLaura Middle School, which is located 15 minutes away from West Shore.
A probable-cause affidavit stated that the student sent many messages through the app, including one about a gun and threatening to “bring it to school and kill everyone.”
Despite our surrounding neighborhood, freshman Sydney Cooper expressed a sense of safety while on school grounds.
“I feel safe [at West Shore] because I know the majority of students have stable outside influences, unlike other schools,” Cooper said.
After West shore received a bomb threat on Feb. 4, freshman Isaiah Turner said his sense of security at school remains unchanged.
“The bomb threat didn’t make me feel scared at all,” he said. “Students were dancing during [the bomb threat], so it was hard to take it seriously.”
Roar staff report