In the running world, it isn’t only a break from school that is accounted for. After months of training for the duration of the summer and throughout the cross-country season, the runners embrace their approximate two-week break and reflect on the work put in to the past season as they rest up for the next season just around the corner: track and field.
“Even though I think I can speak for everyone that we’re all completely drained after the season, I typically hold off on taking my break from running until the week of exams so that I can have more time to focus on studying,” varsity captain Jacob Smithesaid. “Also, it’s become a tradition of mine to compete in a local annual race called the “Jingle Bell 2-Miler”, organized by the Running Zone. If I didn’t wait to take my break until exam week, I wouldn’t be able to participate in all the fun.”
With track meets beginning in February it is essential that coaches begin conditioning as soon as the students return to school from Winter Break. According to Coach Drew Schafer, the first official practice will take place on the track Friday at 3:45 p.m. Duel-sport athletes are still required to attend the informational meeting and Friday’s practice to ensure their spots on the track and field team. The schedule still remains unsettled, but the team will most likely be competing in about eight to 10 meets.
“Along with the other highly dedicated athletes, I took it upon myself to begin training over the break before the official practice had even begun,” Smithe said. “To avoid burnout and peaking too soon, I don’t start speed workouts until the beginning of January; but I believe it is crucial to my success to keep in condition with light distance runs in order to maintain endurance and to make it easier to transition back into full on training come the season.”