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Prom tickets to be sold next week

Prom tickets will be sold in the cafeteria April 9 through April 13. Tickets will cost $50 for juniors and $35 for seniors.

“The Senior Class raises $15 for each senior, so they get the discounted tickets,” Junior Class President Stephanie Delgado said. “But if someone is taking a date that’s a senior from another school, they still have to pay the full $50.”

Juniors who are interested in purchasing tickets must have turned in their service learning hours beforehand.

“Everyone who goes to Prom is going to have to sign a contract before entering,” Delgado said. “It says things to clarify what is considered dancing inapproprately and not to dance like that.”

Delgado said Prom will have several new features including gelato and a musician.

“I’m expecting Prom to be really awesome,” senior Michael Todd said. “I know a lot of work has been put into it, and I think it’s going to show.”

Prom is scheduled for April 21 at the Hilton Rialto and the theme is “Italian Riviera.”