Pothole in front of cafeteria repaired

Caution tape and cones mark the spot where a pothole opened in front of the school cafeteria

Aakilah Hernandez

Caution tape and cones mark the spot where a pothole opened in front of the school cafeteria

A small pothole opened in the brick area near the cafeteria May 7, but has since been repaired.

“I called maintenance and we put caution tape around it so kids wouldn’t fall into it,” Assistant Principal Robert Farrell said. “I think it was basically erosion. When you lay brick, you have a sand base in there and it looked like the rain and run off had eroded the sand underneath it.  I’m not sure how much it is going to cost to fix it.”

Farrell said a district maintenance team accessed the damage and then fixed it.

“This pothole makes the school look pretty trashy,” sophomore Beth Saunderson said. “It’s a serious safety hazard. Even though there are cones around it does not cover the hole. Someone could not be paying any attention and break an ankle in the pothole.”

By Aakilah Hernandez