New grade-reporting software up and running
November 7, 2018
Focus has replaced Edline as Brevard Public School’s grade-reporting software, causing initial skepticism among the school’s stakeholders. The transition occurred at the beginning of the second nine weeks of school, forcing students, parents and teachers to adjust on the fly.
After more than a decade of use, Edline, the previous grade-reporting software became so outdated that technical support no longer was being provided. As a result, Brevard Public Schools transitioned to Focus, at a cost of $1.04 million.
“I was hesitant at the beginning of it,” social studies teacher James Pustay said. “I thought the timing was bad … and I still do.”
Sophomore Asher Dorfman also complained about the timing of the transition.
“It’s a pain they did this mid semester and couldn’t have released it over the summer,” said Dorfman, who also shared other concerns.
“I don’t like how it shows your grade in all your classes right when you open it,” he said. “It takes away from actually being able to click on your class to see the grade.”
Focus displays class grades in real time as the teachers post them.
Many teachers have reported issues with learning to use the new website. Pustay recalled accidentally deleting the grade column for a class assignment, and having to input the grades again to avoid lowering his students’ grades without warrant. Despite these issues in the first week, he said he values the Focus system overall.
“It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that Edline had,” Pustay said. “Focus is easier to use, it’s been more efficient.”
By Emma Robinson