The middle school Junior Thespian Troupe 88940 will perform “The Adventures of Rose Red” in the school auditorium on Friday at 7 p.m..
“I am really excited to be in the play because the story is so cute,” said middle-schooler Marissa W., who plays Ella The Enchanted. ”It has been a lot of fun.”
The play’s plot centers around Snow White’s less-famous sister Rose Red and her desire to do anything to become famous just like her sister. Rose Red is played Summer R. and Allie K. will play Snow White in the play which will last about one hour.
“We have been practicing for about four weeks, so we have really had to work hard.” Marissa said.
Tickets can be purchased during the two lunches and cost $5 each.
“The best part of the play is being on stage and hanging out with all my friends,” Marissa said.
Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the use of middle-schoolers’ last names on its web sites.