Mixed, Chamber choruses earn excellent

The Mixed and Chamber choruses attended Musical Performance Assessments on March 10 at Bayside High School in Palm Bay.

West Shore chorus teacher Amy Davis took her two oldest and most experienced chorus classes to MPAs for the first time.

“We combined them because Chamber was not large enough to technically be an ensemble,” she said.

Senior Bonnie Rice described the process.

“We went and sang two songs for the judges and then we went into the sight-reading room, where we had to sing new music,” she said.

Davis said the choruses competed in the level above where they would normally be.

“We did really well, overall we got excellent,” she said.

Rice said she had a good time at MPAs.

“It was cool to hear other schools’ choruses,” she said. “It was really fun to miss school, especially because we got to go out to eat after at Moe’s.”