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Middle-schoolers ponder fashion shift

Transitioning from elementary to middle school, West Shore’s newest students have been welcomed into a fashion trend of an older group of peers. The seventh-graders observe styles that differ from what they have been used.

“It [the style] is more mature and planned out,” said seventh-grader Alyssa F, who along with fellow seventh-grader Sajel M. has noticed  many students wearing boots and that the older girls wear a lot more make-up than that of elementary-school girls. But for some, the fashion influence doesn’t seem to matter.

“Most of the girls in my home room don’t seem to be concerned about fashion,” seventh-grade homeroom teacher Gabrielle Powers said. “They seem more laid-back.”
Seventh grader Jade A., on the other hand, seems to think that it is more of a fun, learning experience.

“I think I’m now introduced to new ways of dressing and ways to express myself better than I did when I was 8 years old.”

By Kayley Lew

Editor’s note: Brevard Public School policy prohibits the use of middle-school students’ last names on district websites.