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Three players from JV boys basketball move to varsity

Basketball going through a hoop

Nearing the end of their 2024-2025 season, the boys varsity basketball team welcomed three new players from the junior varsity team: sophomore Shoaib Ahmed, junior Max Rogers and sophomore Michael Shapira.

“They were picked up because they were ready for the next level,” JV head coach Kyle McCoy said.

Rogers said he is prepared for the difficulty that comes with varsity.

“JV was way less physically demanding and the plays were more basic, while varsity is far more complex and requires stronger discipline and skills,” Rogers said.

Ahmed said moving up felt like a reward for his hard work.

“I felt happy and a sense of accomplishment when I got moved up to varsity,” Ahmed said. 

Even with the new challenges presented in varsity, McCoy said the new players are doing well.

“They are doing fantastic in practice, and playing like team players,” McCoy said.

By Ethan Marana