Junior Class meeting fund-raising goals

October 18, 2019
The Junior Class was facing the challenge of raising $1,000 at the beginning of the year to make up the cost of Prom down payments. And the results of that effort are paying off.
“We now have $3,000 in the Junior Class account,” President Isabel Cheng said. “Due to the sales of Junior Class Powderpuff shirts and birthday bulletin signs, we were able to make up the cost.”
The officers have weekly meetings to discuss various fund-raiser opportunities.
“My officers are awesome and very motivated,” Junior Class Sponsor Athena Pietrzak said. “We meet to discuss the ideas and then make sure we don’t have to pay anything up front which equals zero risk, and then we weigh the pros and cons of what is needed to put on the fund-raiser.”
After deciding on a fund-raising project, the Junior Class officers use Instagram to put the word out.
“Instagram has been an important role for students to be aware of fund-raisers that have been going on because students are more likely to scroll through Instagram and see posts about the fund-raisers, than to check the Remind and see them there,” Cheng said.
Students can find more about the fund-raisers through on the Instagram account @wsclassof2021.
“Fund-raisers that are coming up are selling wristbands for wearing Halloween costumes and selling of Space Coast Fair tickets,” Cheng said. “The shoe drive is happening right now as well.”
By Auria Rembert
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