Junior Class fund-raiser extended

Go to http://www.braxfundraising.com/fundraising-products/spiritcups/ to purchase the spirit cups online.

Sports fans have been given overtime to score a cup from the Junior Class. Since the beginning of October, juniors have been participating in a BRAX Spirit Cup fund-raiser. The deadline to order cups has been extended, and incentives have been added to make the fund-raiser more effective. The fund-raiser was recently moved from BRAX pamphlet order forms to an online version, making it easier for students and parents to order the cups of their choosing.

The link for the spirit cups is http://www.braxfundraising.com/fundraising-products/spiritcups/ . Proceeds from the fund-raiser will go towards Prom.  Brooke Owen-Thomas’ home room leads the current standings with $122 in sales, Mary Nelson’s home room is second with $110 and Mark Schledorn’s home room is in third with $94.

“All the officers decided that we needed to do something to make the fund-raiser more effective,” Junior Class President Ann-Marie Lally said . “We decided on the free Prom tickets and pizza party in home room because those are things people actually want. I think because we included those two things, people are actually trying to sell the cups because they get something back.”

The first incentive added is that all juniors who participate in the fund-raiser will be entered in a raffle to win  a free Prom ticket.

“I think it’s really cool that they’re going to be giving a ticket to a random junior that participates,” junior Summer Rhodes said. “I think people are now more inclined to actually sell them. Prom tickets are usually pretty expensive, so to get to go for free is something that is pushing the juniors to work hard.”

The other way that the Junior Class is trying to encourage its members to sell cups is by giving the home room that collectively raises the most money a pizza party.

“I think that the pizza party will help motivate more people to sell cups,” Rhodes said. “Everyone loves pizza, so I think the pizza party is a good idea for the winning home room. My home room has come together to sell cups, and we are working to win the competition.”

By Alexa Carlos