Junior accepted to college program

Curious to know what the college experience is, junior Katy Morgan plans to participate in Georgetown’s program for current high school students over a six-week span during summer.

“I applied to this program because I was looking for something productive to do this summer,” Morgan said. “I wanted something structured since I didn’t want to have too much free time that I ended up wasting my summer away doing nothing. It was either Georgetown or I had to apply for a job at Outback. I’m glad I ended up with the former.”

Morgan had mixed feelings about the application process.

“The application process itself was rather easy,” she said. “It was really straight forward and simple. After I got accepted was when it got a tad more complicated because I had to register for classes and apply for scholarships.”

She also mentioned that the experience that lies ahead of her will be an interesting one.

“I am really not sure what to expect, I’m actually quite nervous that I’ll get a roommate that I won’t get along with or that my classes will be really hard,” she said. “But I am pretty sure I will be just fine. I think it’s going to be really freeing and exciting, a test run for what real life will be like this time next year.”