Jazz band jam in the works

While the jazz band continues to work on technique, its focus is on solo and ensemble pieces in preparation for an upcoming gig in April.

“I’m really excited,” senior River Grace said. ” I think it’ll be really fun. We got a good combo this year.”

Member currently are practicing “The ‘A’ Train,” an old standard among jazz artists. Many students still enjoy the performances that are done by the group regardless of what they’re playing.

“I’d have to say I really admire the jazz band people,” junior Max Kohlstedt said. “Not only are they doing a music class like band or orchestra but they’re going an extra step to play a totally different genre of music, which is made up of complex rhythms and a bunch of room for everybody involved to have a moment of improvisation, which is really where they shine. It gives them a chance to look off the sheet of music music they’re reading from and really express they’re musical uniqueness which is very admirable — and to some it can be inspiring.”

By Piper Jenkins