With Prom season comes opportunities to join the world of dating, with that comes the risk of abuse.
“Even though [the relationship] maybe hard to end, in the long run that’s what you have to do in order to keep the physical pain away,” sophomore Taylor Bartusek said.
Most teens limit the meaning of abuse to pushing or grabbing, but physical abuse also includes hitting and slapping. Verbal abuse includes being demeaned with words and insults. Psychological abuse includes having an overly controlling partner, emotional blackmail and extreme jealousy according to School Resource Officer Charles Landmesser.
“I just think you should definitely tell your parents and end the relationship. You have to make sure they know what they did wrong to cause the relationship to end,” senior Chelsey Herrell said.
Chelsey’s boyfriend, Gustaf Pena, who is also a senior, added that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a parent you tell, as long as it’s someone you trust.
The Florida State Statue for Domestic Abuse added a section, “Dating Violence”, to its website that is a list of criteria that may qualify as dating violence.
“I hope that none of you ever experience this type of relationship. However, if you or someone you know has experienced dating violence, there are options available to protect yourself,” Landmesser said.
By Millie Rosasco