Game day garb draws mixed reviews

On game day, the sports teams around school wear special attire. Most athletes are required to wear nice clothing.  But freshman Joshua Freeman said he does not like the outfit chosen by the junior varsity basketball coach.

“We have to wear a travel suit,” Freeman said. “Sometimes we get to wear a polo and khakis, and I like that better.”

Sophomore Matthew Marcinkowski disagrees.

 “I like the travel suit because it’s comfortable and looks professional,” he said. “I’m also not a big fan of our polos and khakis.”

Members of the girls’ soccer team also expressed mixed opinion regarding their dress code. 

“I like to match with the team at school because it makes us look put together and it shows we are a team,” sophomore Isabella Nemes said. “But I don’t like the polos. They don’t fit me well, and I would rather we just dress up  nice on game days.”

Although not on a team, sophomore Macie Goldfarb, pays attention to game-day fashion.

“I think everyone looks cohesive and classy all dressed in the certain uniform for a game day,” she said.

By Zoe Moore