West Shore placed first in the state and sophomore Michelle Chin won the French Government “Green Connection” scholarship and at the Florida Foreign Language Association French Congrès held Thursday through Saturday in Orlando.
Chin will go to the city of La Rochelle on the Atlantic Ocean for two weeks, all expenses paid, courtesy of the French government. During her stay, she will study — in French — environmental protection, alternative forms of energy and methods to preserve the oceans. When she returns she will be an ambassador to Brevard County for the Green Connection program and share her learning and implement her plan to save sea turtles and use bioremediation to reverse the effects of pollution in the oceans.
Next year, Brevard County will host the Florida Foreign Language Association state conference for the first time, which will allow Chin to share her knowledge and serve as ambassador for the Green Connection.
The West Shore team also won Superiors for our French I Play, second place in the State in the French Brain Bowl, and straight Superiors for all five levels of Poetry Recitals. Senior Carolyn Payne won the only perfect 10 score and Judges’ Award of Distinction in the state Advanced Placement level poetry. In addition, Rachel Dunkel received perfect 10 score for her poem.
Junior Kelsey Nickerson won one of only two “Prix du Jury” in the state for her French Cultural Yearbook.
Overall, West Shore earned 14 Superiors, five Excellents and two Bons for individual events, and Superior for its French I play, Superior for Brain Bowl, Superior for the French yearbook and Bon for its upper division level play.
Roar Staff report