Food sales rule crimps Latin Club revenue

With the cafeteria losing money, the administration will be enforcing a rule that no food can be sold until 30 minutes after school. The decision has impacted several campus organizations including the Latin Club which has sold food to help members pay their way to the State Forum. 

“Now we can’t sell food after school,” sophomore Gabriel Schwartz said. “Nobody is [at school] after 4 p.m.”

Eighth-grader Bailey W. said the club already has felt the effects of the decision.

“We are required by district law to not sell any food items before 4 p.m.[2:45 on Wednesdays],” she said. “We will need to find a way around this, we’ve already lost a hundred dollars or so.”

One of the stakeholders has given a suggestion to get around this restriction, “We could get around this by selling tickets to redeem for food instead of buying food directly.”

By Walter Wilinsky

Editor’s Note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middle-schoolers’ last names on district-sponsored websites.