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Del Castillo, Bansal qualify for National Chemistry Olympiad

Sophomores Eran Del Castillo and Varun Bansal have selected for the National Chemistry Olympiad competition at the University of Central Florida on April 16. The two qualified by shing at the March 12 local competition at the Florida Solar Energy Center located on Brevard Community College campus in Cocoa.

The national competition will involve taking a three-part timed examination consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions, eight free response questions that comprise multi-step problems requiring an in-depth knowledge of chemical theories and models and, finally, a problem-solving laboratory practicum.

If Del Castillo and Bansal make it to the next level, they will travel to the U. S. Air Force Academy to be a part of a 20-member group that will who spend two weeks at study camp demonstrating their abilities. From that group, four students will chosen to represent the United States at the International Chemistry Olympiad which was held in Tokyo last year.

Roar Staff report